Monday, August 31, 2009
Most Mondays
Kate Moss is sexy when she's not zooted outta her skull.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
38 Years Livin', 20 Years Bombin'

fuck yeah!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
bet is 20 dollars but not these.

you aint up on this, as much as you think!

boshey broads, always have a small chunk of my heart.
- Amanda Blank & Lykke Li<3
Cudi Cline, mighty fine!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Girltalk // Wiz K
. i liked his pink dumps .
. sweat pit .
. this shot was an epic fail =[ .
. Alex & Myself coolin' on tha grass .
. Wiz <3 .
. "it's hard to look good at these things!" .
Sunday, August 16, 2009
off the wall.


. Mom & Dad .

. Mama & my Aunt out to Celebrate.
She's a cougar, I know.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Traffic Terms.
She found my words amusing and somewhat confirm:
bonita's on tha road dictionary vol. big. Traveler's edition.
Ass Hat - The person, that did not read the Drivers ed Manuel and simply does what he/she wants.
ex: "Look at this ASS HAT maken his/her own rules!"
Milk dud - (so good during movies) One that is NOT a defensive driver, usually gets honked at, waits so god dayum long to make basic maneuvers.
ex: "Fuckin ass hat MILK DUD, you pussy, you could have made that turn 5 lights ago. DONT MILK IT! and yes, sometimes Bonita is a milk dud, only because I'm blind and can't determine how much time or how fast someone is moving! LOL. Normally, I'm an ass hat and just jet whenever I'll cruse at me.
Ass Fuck- that dickhead that cuts you off to only get.....NOWHERE!
ex: " Those big moves got you nowhere ya ass fuck!"
Frogger Street- all of New York ave in Hton station. I swear to god everytime I drive down this street, which is often...I plan an alibi in my head of how I manage to hit this person because I'm sure no one will believe tha fact that people on this street just jump right into the middle of the road, not looking or givin two fucks! Pretty self explanatory on the name.
ex: "Yo, how do I get to Tropical Smoothie?" - " "Take Frogger street all tha way up." - " I NEARLY MERKED THAT DUDE, RUNNIN RIGHT INTO THA STREET!" - real life convo.
"Biiiiiiikers/Loooooosers!" - Ever since Gabby and I were kids, whenever we'd see someone on a bycile or a motorcycle..." biiiikers, Looosers" was the next line out of our mouths. I think it was from a movie.
Small Child- I, for one, never dodge potholes...I do not know why. Some say it's like i purposley aim for them. hahaha Each time I hit one, "Small Child" comes out of my mouth.
ex: "I think....i might have just hit a small child?"
Jerkin tits- The asshole that drives 10mph.
ex: "Dis bitch is Jerkin my tits right now...are you serious america?!"
Packrad bell- One that takes a turn ever so slowly. [slowest computer ever]
a mouth like this is best suited with an 18 wheeler.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Lady dont tekno(logy)
Monday, August 10, 2009
soulfuL summer.
M.O.B(ig hair)
+ I want her hair! Frosty.
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Eco Sexy

Face: LIGHT MEDIUM WARM mineral foundation
Cheeks: Mixture of DEVINE & BELLA, dulled down.
Bonita likes. +
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hiro's hygiene Feat. TAME ONE

Different dish, same course :: this ones for the Ladies...
Ever have a baaaad dude run up on you, Metro Fresho, clean kicks, fitted, pressed button up and have him crack that smile and show them crusty teeth?! IT AINT WORTH IT LADIES! IT IS NOT WORTH IT!
Men, get familiar with a tooth brush, no one is tryin to smell..better yet, SEE last nights dinner between your teeth. geesh! You're not worth tryin to see past the dragon breath you breathin'! You worked tha outside, don't forget about tha inside...YOUR MOUTH! Take a lesson from Del's- "IF YOU MUST"
It's important to practice good hygiene
At least if you wanna run with my team
I'm bout to get into some shit that I've seen
This fool's breath, I mean so bad it'll melt your ice cream
They say don't say nothing if you can't say nice things
Sittin too close to him it burned my eyes stingI try to be subtle,
hand him a stick of gum I was a victim of breath on him
Running his yap about what sets he from
Gotta get some gum gotta get him some
He turned it down, his teeth was brown
Excruciating for him and it was a new sensation
I had to ask the dope to pass the soap'cause his toe had the sniff of crustaceans Or bathrooms in a bus station
He had a can of Olde E and some raisins
Amazing... head to toe B.O.
He didn't know, used to the fragrance
Just as the days went without bathing
He felt manly and not like a maiden
He had one dread, and fungus
Said he worked on peoples' toilets with plungers
Girls, not the guy you would want to tongue ya
So guys take your cue from this number
Monday, August 3, 2009
RIP :: BATTIN of SLum Village.
He's the second member of Slum Village to pass away as James "J Dilla" Yancey (pictured on the left) died in 2006 from complications related to lupus. RL "T3" Altman (pictured in the rear) is the last original member of the group. A part of what's so sad about Baatin's passing is that he was just beginning to really get his life back together. He left Slum Village in 2003 after being diagnosed with schizophrenia and battled some emotional issues for a number of years. But he appeared to have put all of that behind him because he recently rejoined the group this summer. I can remember interviewing T3 on the subject matter in 2003 and vividly remember him saying that Baatin would be welcome back in the group as soon as he worked out his personal issues. So his unexpected passing over the weekend is a hard pill to swallow.
it was a good day.
New advertisement for Nike sb, for the zoom air Paul Rodriguez III. Featuring Kobe Bryant, Eric Koston and Ice Cube. Frosty!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
. a Little bit in Love with you .
Side note: This video was done from straight pocket change before she was on LL Records. She gathered friends and rented the apartment displayed in video and did her thing! loves it.
Lykke Li's Jams to get:
(+) my favorites.
. Until we bleed // Kleerup
. I'm Good, I'm Gone (+)
. Little Bit [both orignial and Drake remix] (+)
. Hanging High (+)
. Knocked up
. Miss It So Much // Royksopp
. Breaking it up (+)
. Dance, Dance, Dance (+)
. Let it fall
. Tonight (+)
. Can I Kick it? (+)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Food for thought.
+ Shark week begins August 2nd!
+ i want to base my life out in San Francisco.
+ Halloween talk has begun // death of a sales rep.
+ i like me.
+ i want to earn someone, earning me.
+ i need an Intervention from A&E's Intervention.
+ Since i've always wanted, i've always wanted you.
+ My best success will be when i get a little bit older.
+ my future home will consists of junkyard/street curb furniture for conversational purposes.
+ Lately the acoustic guitar makes me melt.
+ i wear my scars like jewelry.
+ this time last year reminds me of growth.
+ i make getting lost look really good.
+ cigarettes haven't been apart of my life for 8 months now.
+ my alarm clock goes off at 12 noon everyday.
+ a boxer named SkriLLa, is a must have in my life.
+ i put Raisnets in my popcorn.
+ blue dreads are in the making.
+ i just want to ribe my bike with a boy.
+ i smile on my own.
+my hair is an asshole.
+ sometimes i miss you, victoria maria and your old ways.