Found this photo while working ::
Ricky's staff agreed it that it features the following ::

First girl is Me mainly because I would forget my sunnies, I'm not paying attention, prob would say "Guys...Ang is SOOOOO annoying, LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHIN ABOUT MUH LIFE!" I have tube socks on and am wearing a bow in my hair with BANGS because of course Maria would have made it.
Second is Alex, in her Fake Ed Hardy's...semi bitch face on, prob mad at Sal even tho they don't break up when they say they are broken up..reddish/pink hair..just missing the sidekick and tha chi.
Next is Eileen. She would be wearing a dress with pearls and yelling, most likely at Alex and I or about taking photos. With her [rip] blond hair annnnd She's missing a shoe!
Then there's Chandra...this girl is a super model. And the 4th girl screams all that + she's the girliest out of all of us and is always well put together no matter what! annnnnd I'm not raciest and didn't this time make her the girl with tha fro!
And of course the last girl is MK. Sittin' sideways, G'd up, stunnahs with tha bandanna not givin an F, black by association...come on.