Sunday, January 31, 2010

weapons of mass destruction.

Christopher Kane pre spring 2010

. this is fantastic! .

Saturday, January 30, 2010

the come up.

Special Sauce Art Show ::&::: Lights Resolve//Eveny on the Coast Show

. Most Offical Saturday  Bitches! .
. Myself & Saturday .
. Bee .
. We will make you laugh or just each other! .
. Eileen & Vinny/Chris/Freeze for Armani Exchange 2010! .
. Armani Exchange photoshoot & shopping bag picture! .
. Ryan from Envy .

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"Light-echo; from exploding Star"

In this photo we have a star which has exploded. We are seeing the light-burst traveling outwards in all directions as it illuminates dust and gas previously blown-off by the star.

Size comprehension -
Our entire Solar System would fit easily inside the red aura around the star, look again at the dates on the images and remember that light travels at roughly 186,000 miles per second and these pics span 6 months at that speed. I find this fasinating.

                                                              . Sam flores & elephant! .

. forever will make me head bop .

. I hate the music and movie "Grease". get over it!

Lady Gaga - Vogue Hommes Japan by Nobuyoshi Araki, September 2009

. a belly donsha, a snake charmah! loves her outi and jewls & smile.

. aye aye - favorite animal . and yes, I find it cute.

. Ring-tailed Lemus , cousins of the Aye Ayes...adopting soon! .

Sunday, January 24, 2010

take your ego for a ride, i am not at all impressed.

I'm not concerned with the 'rat race' and obtaining an abundance of material wealth.

I am not amused or impressed by your finacial successes, your bling, your ride, your hoes or your designer garbage.
You can't take that shit with you when you die. So stop buying into the hype and bestowing such importance on trivial things.
Grandiosity killed the cat.
fuck holes.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

we rot as the sun comes up.

i'm too busy lighting fires in hearts of would-be lovers,
while you think in colors that dont exsist.
i keep death on my mind like a heavy crown.
Nobody want flowers when they are dead.


DJ AM Nike Dunk Hi and DJ Premier x Nike Air Force 1 kicks!
These dropped January 7th, complete with vynl records and all funds going towards the DJ AM Memorial Fund.

Two Ledgendary Staples in the music industry.

[I forgot to post this, sorry for delay...grrr. ]

Monday, January 18, 2010

home is where tha heart is; ON THE BUS!

. I had a snowball fight with crisp CT snow for the fisrt time in forever and it was the best feeling.
. I will always have a home far away from home.
. the banjo is by far my favorite insturment & is very meaningful to me.
. I make for the perfect Indian.
. Lisa is the only preson that knows me better than myself.
. I learned I am not fit for Wii Fit, but I could have told you that myslef after eatting a
sleeve of oreos and peanut butter
. Inky and I are now friends after 5 years of her not letting me pet her.
. Lisa's mom always finds the best homes.
. Pearl is no longer a little girl.
. We were never good at hiding being stoned, now we smoke with you mom.
. Lisa's mom hippie fringe jacket ruled my life.
. Orangic food I hate/love you.
. I live in Lisa's ipod through the following; Ol' Dirty Bastard, Billy Joel, The Doors, Bob Dylan and The Greatful Dead
. Tiff will forever drive a volvo.
. Mama Shapp will forever talk fast make me laugh.
. Dr. Don will always refer to me as his 2nd daughter and blast the bass.
. Tiff has 4 yeats straight of my art work on her walls, notes from my mom and pictures of Grandpa<3
. My eyes are so bad the I mistaken a LLama as a Deer.
. The turn my the big red house in Sherman still scares me.
. I will forever find myslef sleeping on the blue couch while tiff covers me with blankets.
. Snow flowing in CT is breath taking.
. Tiff will still sing every song on the radio word for word.
. Lisa is still the same person since back in the day.
. Mike is a grown man, no longer my neighbor.
. Lisa's dad I still have a crush on.
. American Pie is still the morning after breakfast joint.
. i don't feel like a visitor, I'm more welcomed than ever.

+ the greatest of friends are miles away.

Dear Jaime,

you need this, and I wont stop till it's yours!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

babes in beards 2

            . Look at this beard-o bahaha beard-o, weiredo.....i cracks myslef up! .
                                                                      .Mike D.

. John Krasinski in 'Away We Go', he is just beautiful! .

Beards/Mustchae's pending :: Sevo & Joe Lee! you men aren't off the hook!

Giant x BEBE

Mike Giant for BEBE! SAY HUHHHHH?! It's doooope and pretty much lays out my future for me.

It's the perfect ad for the collaboration, displaying best of both worlds//opposites attract.
Honey and cigarettes is what comes to mind when I see this. The glamour being the Honey and the dirty Russian fatal stare symbolizes the badass cigarette attire. Offical.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mouth watering Mustaches.....

oh no's, I was on the cusp of not making Mustache Monday's deadline due to being irresponsible and grabbing dinner and drinks @ Poncho's ALL YOU CAN EAT! I think i will be spending my Mondays a lot differently in 2010!.

. This is great. Even tha cat gets down and the gentlemen's hair & beard - all around fantastic! .

. "I do not do drugs, I am drugs"- Salvador Dali - The art of Manliness .
. Because I just saw Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law is my end all .

. So we don't have Mustaches but We did take our annual date night photo, tonight! .

Sunday, January 3, 2010

this sentence will ruin/save your life.

I need to know who I am
and what I'm going to do while I'm on earth
I need to understand
everything and everybody's lives

I need to get up tomorrow
I have to mail that letter and pay that bill
deadlines, deadlines, deadlines
write that essay, and pray on the windowsill
lines, lines jump from line to line
just one, do one at a time

this one's all about mine mine mine
solve one try then keep on trying
i'm sculpting my philosophy
in patterns going 1,2,3

I'm trying your monogamy
in increments of 1 through 3
I need to eat I'm hungry
I'll grab a bight of a BLT
That's all I want right now...
With some juice, no... coffee.

I need a girlfriend, I'm lonely
Someone to love me and fuck me
I need to get laid immediately
But also someone to fulfill my needs

I need success to be wealthy
I'm hanging on to my simplicity
I need a nice car and nice clothes
Fatter lips and a smaller nose
I need to learn I need to grow

I want to know. No no no no no no no no
I need nice hair... no women
Nice hair, then women. Until then...
lines, lines jump from line to line
just one, do one at a time

this one's all about mine mine mine
solve one try then keep on trying
I'm sculpting my philosophy
in patterns going 1,2,3
I'm trying post modernity
in increments of 1 through 3

+ this is a favorite of mine.