Lately, I've been running into people I haven't seen in ages, which is always fun. Last week I found
Travis in town around 1:30 am, we shared beers and caught each other up till about 4 am. Today Travis and I met for Pizza...Little Vincent's of course! I got a slice with extra cold cheese added, oh god when it's fresh out of the oven, the extra cheese melts fast yet there is still some cold spots = perfection. Normally I order my signature; 2 slices, one plain and one with cold cheese. It's the perfect combination. I leave content with a full tummy but it a good way. My Love handles were mad they didn't get spoiled today but my new jeans were thankful. Any who we shot down to Special Sauce [ Side note- I'm sitting at my desk typing this and I glace over at a tag, which came off my
Straight to Hellz jacket, it's the logo, a cracked bottle...but on it, is Special Sauce's price tag sticker, with an image that looks like this "
§ SPECIAL SAUCE" it instantly reminded me of that stupid trick you can do if you hold the ALT button down on your keyboard and using the numbers on the side of your keyboard will create all those cool fonts and symbols...remember you use to always do them as a kid? Well, I did. But yee I was determined to find the double S looking one because that's what their price tag sticker made me think of.] My train of thought is always from left field. Sooooooo, with that said I fucked around with numbers on the side of my keyboard and...SUCCE§! Hars, get it?! Succe§..double S thingy?! MOVING ON....Travis and I went down to
Special Sauce. Prior to walking into tha store, we both kind of said we've never been upstairs yet. In a matter of seconds, that all became a lie. We wound up seeing the upstairs of the shop. We saw what will soon be an Art Gallery and other goodies! It's current status is Under Construction...So
Pete let Travis have at it and.....bomb! I took a few shots. Hate to break it to you Travis, but I got you on the internet, the aliens know where you're at! :) Now get a fucking Facebook!

Also, this Friday November 13th - Special Sauce will being having an in store event featuring 5 artist! Come through, show love and respect!
For additional info check tha spot :::
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